(click images for details)
Jimmy Stambrandt was born in Borås, Sweden in 1973. He moved to the United States in 1996 to study art. Shortly thereafter, he was awarded a scholarship from the San Francisco Art Institute, and ultimately received his BFA in 2000. Stambrandt furthered his studies in ceramics in 2004 under the guidance of sculpture professor Oli Quezada at City College of San Francisco. He has shown his art in numerous group exhibitions in various galleries and museums throughout California, including in the Laguna Art Museum, in Laguna Beach, and Red Ink Studios in San Francisco.
In his work, Stambrandt explores such concepts as the impact of travel on the human mind. His ceramics take on a surreal quality, as slip casts made from random found objects become spaceships, and casts of little plastic doll heads become alien-like travelers. The resulting combinations become metaphors for exploration.
Stambrandt continuously explores innovative means of using the slip cast object in combination with hand built forms. Most pieces are fired multiple times for a desired effect. Rather than displaying any sense of coherent stylistic or historic continuity, his process relies on a collage-like juxtaposition of opposites - pop culture imagery versus traditional modes. Further, Stambrandt frequently includes ceramic decals in his work in an attempt to tell the story from different angles within the same work of art, and to add to the surreal effect of the piece. While manifesting a wholly unique, otherworldly quality, these objects cite past influences such as ancient Mesoamerican/Central Mexican sculpture, early 20th century modern art such as cubism and collage (Picasso, Schwitters), and 1960-70’s installation art.
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