(click images for details)
Len Davis was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and attended college with a minor in art at East Carolina University. Since moving to Los Angeles, Davis has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Southern California, New Jersey and Houston. His work has been featured in numerous television programs and motion pictures, including HBO’s “Six Feet Under,” and Showtime’s “The L Word.” His aesthetic has a rich tradition in modern and contemporary art history, from Marcel Duchamp and Kurt Schwitters to California-based artists such as Edward Kienholtz and George Herms. He incorporates an array of objects in his compositions, including found articles, digital and hand-drawn illustration and text, and newspaper and magazine print outs. Davis also uses a multitude of different media in his work such as color pencils, gouaches, acrylics and pastels. His work deals with life itself, and who we are as people.
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